Friday 20 November 2020

Early Start...

And so begins the push to Thanksgiving. I was out on my walk before sun up and got back early as I have a busy day ahead. Its the pre-weekend clean and this afternoon MrD and I will pick up the bi- weekly Walmart shop.. Has anyone noticed that shelves are empty again. My order had several items taken off as they are out of stock... including loo paper.. canned corn.. flour..and our favourite butter. Luckily I have been getting extra every week so we have enough to last a while.
Tomorrow we are going to pick up our Turkey and Ham so the fridge and freezer have been sorted to make some room. Hopefully it will stay organised for the Christmas food shop too. And talking of Christmas.. although Im looking forward to Thanksgiving Thursday...I am so excited to start the tree on Friday..
Are you ready for Thanksgiving? And how are your Christmas plans going.
Love and Hugs
Phoebe x


  1. We have decided to stay home alone for Thanksgiving. The first time since 1973 that it will be just the two of us. We were supposed to go to our daughter's in Virginia but travel restrictions are preventing that. We will make the best of it but it will be weird and sad.

  2. What a pretty morning!
    Our Thanksgiving will be much quieter than usual this year.

  3. We are going home on Sunday so I can get ready for Thanksgiving! I'm bringing Company mashed potatoes and Louis Dean is making dinner rolls. It was be a small group this year - only 8 of us - and we will be in my sister's backyard. Staying safe while still being together.....

  4. Since I work at that #1 retailer, it seems Christmas items are more of a thing than food or paper products. I better leave it at that thought.

    I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving my friend, its just us 3.
