Saturday 7 November 2020

A Bit of Christmas ....

Today it actually rained here in Southern California... the first time in over eight months.
I thought it was going to be spent watching movies and stitching... but no! Mr. D had other ideas and he  took me off to a Christmas craft fair. I really did pick a winner when it comes to Hubby’s
The Fair wasnt very big... 
but it was packed with beautiful decorations and handmade crafts
Santas and snowmen..
Beautiful smelling soaps
and Gnomes... 
Lots and lots of Gnomes....
I loved that they had displays of old Primitive decorations...
and even some ancient kitchen items you could buy 
But basically it was a showcase for people's amazing talents
and it really got me into some Christmas Spirit.

So...I was wondering... is anyone else in the mood for a bit of Christmas music??
But remember... just take your time and find the right tune..

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x

1 comment:

  1. I love the craft fairs, seeing other folks' talents! But there haven't been any around our region since March, unfortuantely. People are sure missing the normalcy of those types of things nowadays. Ah well. Such is the pandemic life eh? Ha!
