Friday 25 October 2019

Best Birthday Gift...

I left home at the usual time this morning for my walk...but it was much darker than it has been... The moon was hardly there...
 The days are definitely drawing in.. til next week of course ..when the clocks go back an hour...
 Ahh well..and extra hour in bed is not to be sneezed at

12.433 steps later I returned home to the amazing Birthday present from hubby that arrived yesterday..
A Presto Pressure Canner...and the Ball Canning book that Ive wanted for ages!
Now I know its not to everyones taste... but I love it.. Im afraid chocolates and flowers are lost on me. Give me something for the house..especially the Kitchen and Im a happy girl! Now I can can so much more.
I think Salsa is first on the list.

 Love and Hugs
Phoebe x


  1. Happy Birthday!!! Your dear man knows just what will make your heart beat faster.

  2. Glad to hear you had a nice birthday.
    It's been pretty dark here in the morning too. Sunrise is 7:37 and gets a minute earlier each day.

  3. You are going to love that pressure canner! My sister has one and it makes canning so much easier.

  4. I had a pressure cooker many years ago and it scared me to death! I do appreciate useful items as gifts though!
