Tuesday 13 August 2019

Medical Matters...

Thank you for your good wishes for Hubby and his surgery...which hasn't happened yet. I think I should give a bit of a back story as I seem to have omitted it

It started...I guess.. about two years ago. Hubby... being stubborn... tried to lift a 70lb metal beam by himself and he felt something give in his groin. At the time he reported it to his boss... but because it didn't bother him he didn't pursue it.Recently tho..it has been aggravating him..and had become swollen.

Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago.. he had to go for a routine colonoscopy and endoscopy. The results showed that he has two ulcers and a hernia that is pushing up under his diaphragm. But for some reason he didn't mention the swollen groin....so I did
The doctor had completely missed it...but when he saw it.. he was concerned. He said the Hubby had another hernia..and when he coughed the bowel was pushing through. He said that there was a possibility it could become strangulated.. which would mean emergency surgery..and maybe a  colostomy

Some other results hadn't come back so he wanted us back yesterday.. and he wanted a surgeon in place.. either one he recommended or one through Hubby's work. The problem is.. recently Hubby's company has changed hands.. so there is a bit of discussion who will cover his insurance and workers comp.. The old or new company. If he goes with the doctors choice..the company may get a bit uppity.. so we are now just waiting (for me..anxiously)

Dr Kim accepted this... but he had the other test results to discuss. On a good note...there is no cancer. But..it appears.. that Hubby has a bacteria in his stomach that makes him susceptible to ulcers. He may have had it for years..maybe since childhood as it takes a long time for symptoms to show itself... but once in your stomach it eats away at the lining...which causes the ulcers. Its pretty common..about 2/3 of the worlds population have it.. many with no ill effects. Hubby seems to be one of the unlucky ones... and if untreated could lead to stomach cancer. So all his other ulcer pills have to stop and he has to start an intensive 10 day medication routine.

And..because it can be passed on through saliva.. I have to be tested too. Brilliant!

So thats the state of play right now. We need to get this surgery done asap.. but its just a waiting game. Until then...no lifting.. no dirt biking... no exercise... and no kissing....

I guess the honeymoon is finally over ...lol 

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x


  1. Well - that's the pits! I guess you betting keep hugging while you get through this. I hope they work out the who is paying issue soon!

  2. I hope all falls in to place soon and he is soon on the mend!

    X Chy

  3. I'm sorry your hubby is having medical problems. Hopefully they can all be dealt with quickly and efficiently. It's great to see he's still smiling!!

  4. Oh, I am sorry to learn this. May the Lord bless you both. Keep us posted.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear of your hubby's medical issues. I never heard of anything like it before. I do hope that the doctors can remedy this situation and get your hubby healthy and back to feeling good again. You take care, hugs, Edna B.

  6. Ugh, if only a company/insurance could care about the person over the almighty $$. How frustrating. I pray it will all be worked out soon and for it to be all you need. Blessings!

  7. I came here to your blog after seeing your comment on mine. Doris ^^^^ is my sister. How I pray that things can soon be figured out and your hubby can have the surgery he needs!

  8. I found it! Yes, insurance moves slowly when you deal with workman's comp and such. I truly hope he can get the surgery done soon.
