Saturday 2 November 2019

Weird Weather...

So...MrD and I left to do shopping when he got home from work.. today he worked 12.30 til 6am. 
It was decidedly chilly ...but we caught the most beautiful sunrise.
Just after we got back.. the most unusual thing started to rain... for the first time in months!!. Great big heavy drops.. and hailstones. What the heck...this is So Cal!!. It wasn't forecast.. and only lasted a few minutes.. and yes I did stand in it.. but it was too cold!! 

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x


  1. We had crazy weather yesterday too. It was pouring rain, then sleeting. Then the sun came out and it looked as if it never rained - an hour later - pouring rain again!

  2. It's amazing how quickly a hailstorm comes in and the it goes away just as quickly. We had one hit us one year, and the hailstorms did quite a number on both our cars. It took a while, but the insurance fixed them. Thank goodness. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.
