Thursday 18 February 2021


I was routing through some photos and I came across this one of me..taken 35 years ago this month on a night out in Londons West End. It brings back so many memories.

I was working as a Nanny..looking after three little girls just off the Kings Road. For a shy, naive  girl..who had led a sheltered life in a small village in Wales.. my decision to move to a big city surprised everyone ..including me. It opened my eyes to a whole new world... and I grew up fast. Maybe it also gave the confidence years jump on a plane and move 5000 miles to a new life in the US 

I have no regrets for anything in my life..I truly believe there is a plan for all of us...and everything happens for a reason.. good and bad.

But.. looking at the 23 year old in the picture... I wonder what advice I would give her?

And... looking back...what would you have told your 23 year old self??

Love and Hugs 
Phoebe x


  1. Cute pic! You would have been amazed at what would happen in your life in later years.

  2. I love this post and seeing you at 23! I'm 72 and I wonder what I would tell my 23 year old self? For most of my life I have lived in a cope adn survial mode. I think I would have told the young Linda - you have a choice. You ALWAYS have a choice. I did not relize that until I was in my early 50's and it was not an easy lesson to learn but it changed my life and for the better.
    God speed on your busy week!
