Saturday 6 November 2021

Sew...It Went Bang!

So...I was sitting at my machine... happily singing along to Frank Sinatra.. and working on another Christmas apron... when suddenly there was a large clunk and loud beeping..and my sewing machine siezed up!
The needle was still in the fabric.. so I had to struggle to get the needle out as the hand wheel wouldnt move forward or back. Thinking it needed cleaning... I took off the usual bits but there was only a tiny bit of fluff so it was down to MrD.
Luckily I had finished all my Etsy was just sewing for fun... so no real rush. But MrD got right to it.. He dismantled the whole machine... and with light fading moved to the dining table to continue... with one of my quilts to protect the wood from scratches
Right now he's trying everything to loosen everything. Im praying that he can fix it... as we have so many expenses right now with the roof.. Christmas fast approachng... and buying a new chest freezer this morning

Fingers crossed

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x

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