Saturday 7 September 2024

Saturday September 7th

We were up with the sun this morning.. grabbed a quick breakfast 
And were soon on the road again
The drive was not so barren as yesterday with pleasant countryside 
The occasional farm…
And trees..
 Lots of trees…
And even more trees!
The rest stops were pleasant..
With scenic views…
A bit of wildlife…
Pretty flowers..
And the obligatory dead log
All very pretty.. but soon we were on the road again
And before long we crossed the border into Washington 
We still had quite a bit further to go..
So we stopped one last time at Lake Sprague. 
And just before midday we rolled into Spokane.. reuniting with family at a barbecue.. No more photos I’m afraid (by request) but just to say we had a lovely time .. and the long journey was well worth it

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x

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