Monday 23 September 2024

Meal Plan Monday.. And the "Dreaded Lurgy"

Well this morning started bright, sunny and very warm... a perfect day for drying the Monday bedding laundry on the washing line..
I set the dough for two good loaves of bread
Im still using the National Loaf recipe from WWII but this weeks had treacle in it 
but by lunchtime I was feeling very grotty again 
and the cough and sneezes came back with a vengence
By MrD got home from work I was feeling quite unwell. So a quick change of dinner plan ensued, the Sticky Beef and Rice Bowls were replaced and poor MrD was left with  last nights chicken stew that looked more like soup. But he said it tasted great... especially with the homemade bread... 

Well Im dosing myself... and Im off to bed. Im sure MrD will help himself to a buttered scone for dessert. I really hope he doesnt catch what Ive got cos I feel quite dreadful. I think flu shots may be in order

Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow... and this weeks meal plan can get back on track

Have a great week

Weekly Plan - 23rd September  2024

Monday               Leftover Stew

Tuesday               Salsa Chicken 

Wednesday          Ham, Potato Wedges, Poached Eggs, Peas

Thursday             Cheesy Tortellini Alfredo Bake

Friday                  Pizza

Saturday              Roasted Jalapeno Grilled Cheese

Sunday                 Leftovers

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