Wednesday 18 September 2024


Many apologies to everyone for the amount of posts that have been coming… and will be coming from my blog.  I know... they have been very sporadic...and possibly very annoying

My laptop has been playing up...refusing to let me upload any photos. So I just kept writing... adding pictures when the stubborn madam would let me... hoping it would sort itself out before I took a rolling pin to it.

Salvation has come in the form of my clever hubby.. who has just had 10 days off work.... is a genius.. and I has fixed the problem... I hope

So I hope that you will forgive the copious amount of posts that will be coming over the next couple of days.. I have so much I would like to share. And by the weekend I will be all caught up.

Thank you for your patience and and understanding....

and I will now put the rolling in away

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x