Thursday 15 June 2017

The Day After

My surgery went well...and was better than I expected...They always are...but Im always nervous. And no chemo today as Dr Phan wants me to next week instead

When I arrived I had to answer a lot of medical questions... have a blood test taken... and had to give a urine sample. They had to admit there was a mix up there as it was for a pregnancy test.... and Im 54 and just had a full hysterectomy!!. lol 'I loved the theatre outfit...Very flattering.... Do you think this fashion will catch on ... especially the matching hat and shoes...
Even though I was there five and a half hours..I was only in theatre for less than an hour..and most of that time was taken up with prepping. Everyone was very nice...and I was awake during the whole procedure...though my face was turned to the left and covered with a huge sheet. They did put a sort of polystyrene arch way for me to look out but they neednt have bothered really because I kept my eyes firmly shut. They put anesthetic through the iv in my hand...but also injected around the surgery area, I was able to tell them that it was stinging a bit as they started to cut..but they immediately increased the iv dose and there were no more problems. After just over an hour in recovery...I was able to come home...stopping for a welcomed iced coffee on the way... and then slept for the rest of the day.
Today.. Im quite sore and stiff...especially my neck. Im sure it will heal nicely. Im a bit loath to touch the area..and it does feel strange having a foreign object in my chest..but I will get used to it

Hopefully I will feel well enough to go to the car show with hubby at the weekend....fingers crossed 

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x

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