Wednesday 27 October 2021

The Roof...

So... this is whats happening at The Blue House... the roof is getting replaced.
We knew it needed doing... but we hoped we could wait a bit longer til the wood prices drop. But.. the weather here is different to what we thought. Because we are in the hlls... in what used to be desert.. the days are hot...and the nights are cold. The wind blowing from the surrounding hills can be fierce... and it rains... quite heavily. We havent found a leak.. but there are a few cracks that will definitely cause problems. Most of the houses here have had their roofs patched or replaced.. so now its our turn.
Its a big job.. and going to cost a pretty penny.. so we got a few quotes. We decided not to go for the cheapest.. and not the most expensive. But the company we chose seemed to offer the best package..with the materials we liked..although MrD is far more knowlegable then me.
So today they started ripping off the old roof and the whole project will take about 7-8 working days. Being a wooden house and one story... earplugs may be deployed. Kidding ..but it is loud overhead. wil be worth it in the end..

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x

1 comment:

  1. We had our roof done last year. It's good to get in done!
