Friday 8 October 2021

The Dentist...

So...our insurance company finally approved a dentist for us....and its just around the corner from us. MrD and I were overdue for a check up so we made and appointment.. and also booked a clean. MrD has also got a painful twinge in one of his teeth.. which troubles him when he has anything hot...or very cold
All seemed to be going well. He said my teeth were good.. no fillings needed... although he said the missing tooth at the back (removed about 12 years ago because it split from me grinding my teeth at night)was causing an overbite. That was a bit I have always had an over bite. Any way he recommended that I had a screw in tooth to replace the missing one...and have a brace installed to correct the overbite. it all sounded a bit expensive... but he assured me the insurance would cobver it... and he would get his nurse to crunch the numbers. Well the numbers were crunched and the final number...after insurance.. $4,500...with $1.500 upftont. Heck Im almost 60...and my teeth are just its a no from me!
As for MrD... a suggested $2,000 of work was suggested... for non essential work. And the dentist didnt even examine the bothersome tooth! 

They didnt even clean our teeth as the Hygienist was off that day!

I think a new Dentist is on the cards!

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x

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