Friday 11 December 2020


Meet Ted... He's old... he's creaky and sits happily on the bed all day...reading. Bit like me really.. except for the the bed bit.

I am feeling that Im getting a bit creaky too.. my fingers dont work as well as they used to... and some days my back gives me a bit of jip. The mirror is somewhat kind.. not many wrinkles... but having chubby cheeks helps as they push them out. Although this morning.. I looked in the mirror and saw my mum staring back.

And as for how my mind works... Yesterday.. I was looking in my bag for my glasses.. so I took my glasses off to have a better look!! And I forgot where I put the television remote... 30 seconds after I put it down. But ask me about something that happened 20 years ago... easy! 

Move over Ted... I think I may join you on the bed.

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x


  1. Too funny about the glasses. That has happened to me more than once. I don't think I've misplaced my TV remote but I have tried to make a phone call on it. Guess it's all part of getting older. Having lost several old school mates already I remember to thank the Lord for every day I get to be here with my family and for the assurance that when I die I'll be with Him.

  2. {{{grin}}} Boy, Ted and my Pound Puppy Walter would get along just fine, smiles.

  3. Ted is cute! You and the glasses make me laugh. Sounds like something I would do.

  4. Oh girl, ME TOO! I look for my phone a lot, sometimes I turn on the flashlight (ON MY PHONE) to better see to look for my phone... DUH, rolling eyes:) We are all in the same boat. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  5. I'm creaky, too, and sometimes I start looking for my glasses and realize I'm wearing them. Glad to know I'm in good company. Take care!

  6. You are not alone, my dear. 😂
