Saturday 5 December 2020

Oh Christmas Tree(s)...

So..our plans today went well. We got to the mall just as it opened.. and I managed to finish all my gift shopping in under an hour...

We even got to see Santa... mask and all.. behind a perspex wall..
and meet one of his friends..
I thought we were done for the day...but about 5pm. I noticed MrD glancing at me now and again over his laptop. He suddenly said.. "Get your shoes on! We are going for coffee!" Always one for coffee.. he got no arguments from me.. Starbucks was closed (no biggie) so we called at my favourite coffee shop.. and it was a Mexican Mocha for him..and a Peppermint Latte for me (well it is the Festive Season)
I was surprised that instead of heading for home... he began driving in the opposite direction. I was dying to ask where we were going.. but now and again MrD likes to surprise I kept quiet... (soooo hard for me) I tried. There was a gorgeous sunset... but I was too slow to catch it... 
We ended up in The Citadel Shopping Centre...where they have an amazing 100ft Christmas tree. So beautiful!... It hasnt really felt that there is only a couple of weeks til Christmas. Maybe because of the high temperatures here.. and not the cold Welsh weather. But this filled me with the warmth of Christmas. Im so grateful and blessed to have such a thoughtful hubby
Coffee.. A Christmas Tree and a Thoughful Hubby.. who could ask for more...

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x

1 comment:

  1. That Mr D is a good one! I'm glad you got to have such a nice day.
