Saturday 27 July 2019

Big Birthday....and Quilts

Happy first birthday to our gorgeous grandson. 
How hes grown.. 
We haven't met him yet cos he lives in England...
but we will be visiting next year. 
If this year goes as fast as last year.. 
I will soon be having lots of kisses and cuddles with him. 

Love you Little Mister xx

I love the fourth Saturday morning of the month. 
Its when we meet in the Fellowship room of our chapel for Knots of Love 
and make quilts for newborns and those who are ill.
Each one is personalized with the name of the recipient. 
Its a great time  to chat..and laugh 
and remember why we do it

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x


  1. Happy first birthday to your sweet little grandson.
    How wonderful to make quilts for newborns and folks who aren't well. Blessings, GM

  2. Your grandson looks so cute! Love what you're doing with the quilts. I'm sure they'll be much appreciated!

  3. Little Mister is just adorable!
    I love that you help with making these quilts. I know they are a blessing.

  4. What a cutie your grandson is! I bet you are really looking forward to that visit! What a nice thing it is that you make quilts for those who are ill.
