Tuesday 28 June 2022

Veggie Tales...

 Everything in the garden is growing well
We have some beautiful tomatoes coming...
and our cucumber are starting to appear.... one long and thin like MrD
and another little and fat like me.
And the last of our sunflowers has finally bloomed... and it towers over the others
I have no idea how tall it is..but the others are six feet.

How did that happen??

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x


  1. Yum. Regine

  2. Patty McDonald29 June 2022 at 14:38

    Tomatoes and cukes look great. I can't believe how tall that sun flower grew!! How is the pvc pipe and bird netting working for you? Since we are going to use that idea next year, I'm interested in knowing the ups and downs and changes you would make (if any) next time.

  3. That is one crazy sunflower! I love it!!! Your garden looks great!
