Tuesday 19 January 2021


Yesterdays hospital visit seemed to go well ..and I should get the results in a couple of days. I just want to give a quick shout out to all our healthcare workers... who are carrying on regardless in the most surreal  and worrying times....Like the sign says...not all heros wear capes
It was s a lovely morning for walking..almost spring like... even though we are still in winter. The beauty of living in So Cal is that it never gets really cold.. But the seasons seem to roll into one.. and that can be a bit monotonous. Still it was lovely seeing spring flowers as I walked..which brightened my day
But...Im struggling a little at the moment. Im hungry..even tho Im eating quite a bit. Im craving things I know I cant eat right now. Low calorie substitutes are not satisfying enough. Two nights running I have dreamed of ice cream... not the fudgsicles that I look forward to every evening. But huge bowls of the stuff..every flavour you can inagine.. with every topping you can imagine. There is a Baskin Robbins 5 minutes away and I pass it every day on my walks...in fact I gazed at it as I strode by .. It would be so easy to call in there.. getting a few flavours, eating them all in one sitting... and not telling a soul! Who would know?
Well.. I would know... and what would that achieve. I know it wouldnt be the end of the world but I would feel so sick and guilty.. and hate myself for doing it.. I know its a step back from getting into the lovely wedding outfit I have in mind.. Plus.. I may have trouble getting back onto the weight loss horse
So far I have resisted... but the struggle is real! I will just continue on my walks and take pleasure in the ice cream colour flowers I pass each day

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x

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