Saturday 14 September 2019

New 'Do....

Bit of a change of plan... No LA Fair today... MrD went into work at 1.30am. It would be too much with all the walking we are doing tomorrow at the Long Beach Antique Market. So all being well we will go next week

So instead I went for a haircut... if my grand babies can I. My hair was very dry and out of shape.... it has been like that since it grew back. New growth I suppose. My hairdresser is very good. The majority of her clients are cancer survivors so hopefully so she had some good advice.
The hairdresser gave my hair a really good conditioner.. and put lots of shape into it. She also decided to give it a bit of a curl...quite a feat considering my hair is as straight as a die. I like it.. and it may be an option for my daughters wedding next year. But.... I doubt I will be able to do it myself. Im hopeless
Its a shame she couldnt do anything about the 'laughter lines' around the eyes.....

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x


  1. You look so cute! Love the new do and the laughter lines!

  2. I love it!! You are so pretty! And laughter lines are wonderful things! Much MCUH better than worried lines or *GASP* frown lines!!!

  3. You look amazing Phoebe! A great style for you. X Chy

  4. Love the cut! I keep my hair short mainly because I'm no good at styling my stick strait hair. What laugh lines?? ;-) Really, not bad at all.

  5. You new haircut is very nice!! You look great.
    Honestly I can't even see your laugh lines.

  6. I love your new "do". Don't worry, laugh lines are good to have. You have a wonderful evening, hugs, Edna B.

  7. Love your new "do" it looks great!
