Tuesday 16 July 2024

Tuesday July 16th

When I was a little girl l loved to read.. and my favorite books were the “Little House” series by Laura Ingalls Wilder.. which I absolutely devoured over and over again. This planted in me the dream of having a homestead.. keeping animals, cooking from scratch and of course growing my own food. I remember being quite devastated when time after time, Pa tried to grow his wheat and Ma grew her garden.. only for it all to be destroyed... by locusts.. Crows.. tornados .. hail storms and fire.
Well.. I may not have a homestead… but I do have my Little Blue House.. I may not have animals .. unless you count Prince.. and he is like a horse! And I do have a veg garden.. and it has caused a few struggles. The first year the garden was totally decimated by little grasshoppers.. Last year we had to contend with birds and huge grasshoppers eating our crop ( a battle we finally won).
And this year… Squirrels!!! When I first noticed that our beautiful tomatoes were getting half eaten.. we put up a net covering. But.. the little buggers chewed through it 
So this evening.. in 95 degree weather.. Mr D and I erected a chicken wire cage. It’s not pretty.. but I’m hoping it does the job and we will at least get somewhat of a harvest.. fingers crossed
Well it could be worse.. we could be living in the middle of the prairie!!!

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x

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