Saturday 19 September 2020

When The Earth Moves....

 Last night ... just before midnight... we were jolted from our sleep by a 4.5 earthquake. Being just over a mile from the epicentre.. it was very loud... and there was a lot of shaking. Since living here I have felt a few tremors... but for the first time.. pictures, china etc actually fell.  MrD.. as usual..took it in his stride... said we will deal with it in the morning... turned over and went back to sleep. He really is Mr Cool! Covid..  riots.. wildfires and now an earthquake! 2020 has been a doozy!

Seeing as its stitching Saturday... I thought I would share the hearts I sold this week.. 

They were sent to Ohio and Florida. 
Coincidently ..they were all blue.
Enjoy the weekend

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x


  1. Hello, Phoebe, I'm in Monterey Park and I have a Welsh grandfather from Harlech. You must be few miles closer to Whittier Narrows than I am. I had one picture go askew and a stuck cabinet door. We had a terrible earthquake in 1987, so after living through that one, I turn over and go back to sleep also. Nice to see the blue sky today wasn't it?

  2. I did not know earthquakes could be loud. Makes sense! We have had a couple here. They are rare and very slight. We had a big one a couple months ago. Five point something. To my knowledge that has never happened here. Stay safe.

  3. I didn't hear about the earthquake. Glad your Mr D stays calm. :)
    Cute hearts!

  4. My goodness... now earthquakes? Glad you didn't suffer much damage and are safe. Your hearts are very pretty.
