Friday 4 September 2020

Living Colour....

Yesterday would have been my Mum and Dads Diamond wedding anniversary. 60 years is a long time to be with someone....and Im sure they are together in Heaven. I miss them both very much.
But..I wanted to show you this..because it blew my mind. I posted this wedding picture of them both on my personal Facebook page... and a few minutes later.. my grandsons other Nana (Nainy) sent me this....
 ....a colourized version. Amazing!!When they married back in 1960... all the photos were black and white. She says that its not 100% true to life..but its a new programme they have bought for their photo business.

So thank you Ann.. and if anyone in Anglesey North Wales needs a photographer.. check out "Smile Please, Market Street, Holyhead

But... it makes me wonder... was that wallpaper really purple??

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x


  1. I think the wallpaper is beautiful!

  2. I love that!
    My parents 60th would have been this year as well, in March. My Mom passed away 17 years ago.
