Tuesday 8 September 2020


Just when you think 2020 couldnt throw anything else at you... here come the wildfires.. adding appalling air quality to the blistering temperatures. We peaked at 111F (43C) this weekend..but Woodland Hills..not far from us.. reached an incredible 121F (49C). 
The sky looked really strange yesterday.. probably from all the smoke...and although MrD says we are in no danger because we live in a city.. the truck was covered with ash..and it was coming through our open windows
The dehydrating has begun... and the Butternut Squash has been in the dehydrator overnight and is almost done. Hopefully they will retain this beautiful orange colour. Next on the list... turnips and bell peppers. Im going to go for a walk shortly... and hopefully the air quality wont be too bad.
So I have a question. Are you prepared for if your power goes off. If so... would you share some of your preps? 

Have a great day 

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x


  1. Oh wow. SO sorry it was that hot, when we lived in Alabama, it regularly was that hot/humid. I'm not sure if I have tips to share; we lived through many hurricanes and tornadoes, and that was just that; lived through it. Yesterday, we had high winds and knocked out the internet and the electric at times, again, we just live through it. Shrugging...I hope the temp cools down for you. Yikes on the forest fires too.

  2. That IS hot! Hope you all stay safe from the fires. It's begun to cool down here in MI - 60/70s temps.

    I love, love butternut squash.

    We are completely off grid. We have loads of solar panels and also multiple generators. After that big blackout of 2004, we made sure that we have more than one generator on hand.

  3. I hope it's not too bad out there for your walk. The heat has been insane everywhere this summer, I'm in Florida so still blazing hot here too. The butternut squash looks delicious. The only prep we have for loss of power are lots of battery operated camping lanterns and a well stocked pantry :)

  4. About the only prep we have is a good generator. We had very high winds yesterday and my DH went to make sure the generator was ready to go is we needed it. ( We didn't).

  5. Wow - that's crazy with the smoke and ash.
    It's cool here, only made it to 62 today! I'm not really ready for cold weather.
    I'm not nearly as ready as you if the power should go out. We have a gas stove so it would still work, but we have a well so there would be no water. I have a lot of candles and some lanterns. I also have quite a few gallons of water stored away.

  6. Wow... that is really hot! I hope you get some cooler weather soon.

  7. I've thought of you the past few weeks out there and been praying constantly for you and your family. Heat, wildfires, no power at times... keeping you all lifted up to the Lord. The smoke from the fires is in Kansas and all the way up to Michigan. You stay safe and well and be blessed, Phoebe! Hugs!
