Friday 24 November 2023

Guess Its Over....

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day
MrD and I had a lovely day together... after I had sent him off on a bike ride in the morning. Everything ran to plan, I wasnt stressed at all and I didnt have one disaster... score!!! Of course I made so much food... especially that after one plate...I was absolutely full. I didnt even have room for pie! After all these years its still so hard to cook for just two of us At one time... I was cooking for nine people and I havent mastered cutting back...yet! But none of it will go to waste...all the leftovers will go into new meals...including a curry, a leftovers casserole and a pot pie
And it always makes me happy when MrD enjoys my cooking..
Clean plates for both of us
Later it was time to put my feet up infront of the first fire of the season...
spending a very cosy evening contemplating the weekend

Thanksgiving is over so it can only mean one thing...


Love and Hugs
Phoebe x


  1. The food looks amazing! -Christine

  2. It looks very delicious, and a lot. Yes, it takes some getting used to cooking for fewer people. I always have leftovers too. I wish you a nice weekend.
