Tuesday 28 November 2023

Feeling Festive...

So the Christmas decorating is coming along nicely.. 
the outside is done and inside the house is looking more colourful
Our Festive Season started beautifully at Church this weekend. It was beautifully decorated for Christmas and we were led in praise by the Gutierrez Brothers.. 
singing Christmas carols with a Spanish flair!
When got home we did a bit more outside decorating... then I made a quick batch of cookies. We then had a cozy afternoon and evening drinking hot chocolate and watching Christmas movies...one a cheesy Hallmark one.. then Elf... and finally The Santa Chronicles.
Oh...and I sold another heart in my Etsy shop.. 
not a Christmas one..but cute anyway...

So its the dentist this afternoon and it will be lovely to walk into a semi decorated house afterwards. 

I cant wait to carry on tomorrow...I should be done by the weekend

Is anyone else in the midst of a Christmas decorating frenzy?

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x


  1. Hello! I am also enjoying this festive time of year! The cookies look delicious, my friend!

  2. Hi Phoebe! I wouldn’t say I was in a decorating frenzy, more like a slow start since everybody got sick over Thanksgiving and it seems to be hanging on. I love you heart and those cookies look delish. BTW, I posted a while ago about being worried about the safety of my blog but I feel my blog is just fine and would love if my friends would return! It is lonely in my little corner of blog land.
