Thursday 8 September 2022

God Save The Queen...

From the moment it was announced she was ill and the family were on their way to Scotland...

I watched and waited and prayed..

 When the dreaded moment came...I felt I had been hit by a brick.. and I cried!

The end of an era...and I am sad

I have no words as yet... except..

Thank you ma'am

God Save The Queen


  1. It hit me harder than I thought it would too. My dad was a Grenadier Guard at Windsor when the Queen and her sister were young girls. The two girls would play around the guards to see them stand at attention. Their nanny would soon come and get them. Franklin Graham gave a lovely tribute to the Queen and said she was a strong Christian. Some day we'll get to meet her in heaven.

  2. I think she was loved all over the world and many are mourning her. I think she was amazing.
