Sunday 6 October 2024

Sunday Thought... And Pumpkins in the Patch

Meanwhile back in England...
Little Miss and Little Tufty went pumpkin picking 
with Mummy and Daddy

Little Miss knew what she wanted...

and soon found it...

and happily went off to play

Little Miss on the other hand...was having trouble choosing

Decisions... decisions...

so maybe this one??

But wait...whats this?

How about this one??
Yep... Thats the one....

Now... looking forward to the carving..

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x


  1. What cuties and it looks like they had fun!!

  2. This looks like a good family day, out picking favorite pumpkins. These pictures are adorable and oh the sweet memories that you will have looking back as the kids get older....of pumpkin pulling days. Hope the pumpkin carving is just as much fun if not more. Happy Monday

  3. Oh Phoebe - these are adorable photos!

  4. Marvelous photos of the two little Misses while they were choosing pumpkins :-)
