Friday 3 December 2021

Brightest Light....

Friday December 3rd 2004....and a bright light went out in my life
Today...exactly seventeen years later.. I switch on the Christmas lights in memory of a woman who loved this season so much. A strong, wise woman who ruled with a rod of iron and who only once found the words to say "I love you" ..but showed it every second.. of every day.. with every thing she did.

After all these years it still hurts my heart that I never got to say a real goodbye. I have told this story many times before...but the memory is as fresh in my mind like it was yesterday
She and dad had travelled for a pre Christmas visit to my brother and his family. Before she left.. she called me with the usual instructions to stay safe.. have a firm hand with the kids... and remember to go check the house and cats every day.
Then she shocked me by saying how proud she was of me.. for working hard..and the way I was single handedly raising the kids.. In all my life she had never told me that she was proud of me... and I brushed it off with a "see you in a few days.. love you!" And for the first and last time... she said "I love you too"
She passed suddenly the next day while talking to to my brother in his garden.

Mum....These lights are for you...
One of the brightest lights in Heaven

Love Always
Phoebe x

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