Monday 2 October 2023

Whats for Dinner ~ Meal Plan Monday

This morning definitely feels like Autumn has arrived. Its much cooler...and I still have the sniffles. My goodness they are lingering this time.

MrD and I have spent the weekend looking for a new doctor. For months we have been disputing a bill for mammogram that I had last November.. which should have been covered by our medical insurance provided by MrDs employers. Finally the rep got back to us on Friday and informed us that the doctor, and oncologist we have been using since moving to the Blue House are outside our network  area.. even though they have been paying our bills for two years. They will let this bill slide, but we need to find a new doctor asap... which is a real shame as I really love and trust the ones I have now. So it means.. the nearest GP will be about 50 miles away..which with the traffic we will encounter... well over an hours drive. I guess we will just have to stay healthy...

This weeks meal plan reflects the changing season and is a bit more warmng and filling. Homemade soups are definitely back the menu.. both for lunches and dinners. I decided to make meatloaf this week basically because I found a hand written recipe in the box I got from MrDs mother. It apperently dates back to 1947 and uses leftover meatloaf. its an interesting one.

So nothing else much is planned for the week...except MrD wants to change the muffler on the old truck... so that on Saturday we can go collect a load of logs ready for our winter fires. And I want to finish stitiching the grandchildrens Christmas gifts... Almost done!

Have a great week everyone... and heres this weeks dinner menu

Weekly Plan - 2nd October 2023

Monday              Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Glazed Carrots

Tuesday               Leftover Meatloaf Chili

Wednesday         Suasages, Loaded Baked Potatoes, Baked Beans

Thursday            Chicken Cackle Pasta, Garlic Bread

Friday                 Pizza

Saturday             Spicy Turkey Burgers

Sunday                Homemade Butternut Squash Soup and Toasted Sandwiches


  1. Good luck finding a new doctor, it is a problem here in Toronto due to lack of availability.

  2. Hello and thanks for visiting my blog. If you live in Perris, California, I had an aunt that lived in Perris for many years - actually two aunts that lived there. One moved away and one died of Covid. We used to live in Corona, California in Riverside County. Your meal plan for the week looks great. Everything sounds delicious. So sorry you are dealing with insurance company issues. Very frustrating. I hope you can get it all worked out and find doctors that you like. Have a good week. See you again soon. :-)

  3. You make wonderful meals. GM

  4. Healthcare is so difficult these days — I hope you find a new doctor that you are comfortable with. I need to meal plan but I find that difficult as well!

  5. I dearly love your menus! That's unfortunate about the doctor being out-of-network!
    Insurance makes things so complicated!! Prayers for good health!

  6. Hello! I am so happy to be your newest follower! Thank you for visiting my little blog, as it led me here to your cozy one. I look forward to reading again soon!
