Saturday 7 October 2023

Down With The Sickness...

Sickness has hit the Blue House..
and MrD and I are down with a bad case of flu...
including the stomach kind
and he's very grateful as I started first and gave it to him
We both feel pretty dreadful but misery loves company

Hopefully we will be feeling better by Monday

Love Hugs and Sniffles
Phoebe x


  1. Oh no... I hope you both are feeling better very soon!

  2. Stomach flu is the worst feel better soon

  3. Oh I am so sorry you are under the weather. Just sleep it off — best medicine for sure! Get well soon!

  4. You posted this a few days ago so hopefully both of you are on the mend. It's just no fun at all, being sick. GM

  5. Feel better soon, both of you! HUGS and PRAYERS coming your way!

  6. Oh no...I hope you are feeling better.

  7. Phoebee, I hope you are both on the mend or feeling well again. Two weeks ago we thought we had the flu. It took us a few days to realize it was something's covid. As of last Thursday, we tested negative but still have congestion and coughing. It has been a miserable 2 weeks . I pray you and your hubby are doing well.
