Tuesday 31 October 2023

Happy Halloween!

Growing up in Wales in the early 1960s, pumpkins were unheard of...neither was Trick or Treating! Instead, we dressed as witches or ghosts and had turnips.. which were in abundance. Turnips were always on hand this time of year, basically because they were cheap, and mashed with potatoes, they make a delicious Welsh Ponchmipe!

Did anyone else carve a turnip in their childhood?
Over in the England the grandbabies have already been Trick or Treating..
Little Miss dressed in her"scary unicorn " outfit which she painstakingly made herself
Little Mr insists hes dressed as a zombie...even though he dosnt know what a zombie is..
and Little Tufty.. who dressed as an adorable baby against the wind and cold..
 and was amazingly accurate

As for me Im going to sit in the driveway with my neighbour and hand out candy to the neighbourhood children. Theres always a big turnout...and Im looking forward to seeing them all

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x


  1. Oh that baby is adorable — so is the unicorn witch and the zombie! We had zero, none, zip, nada trick or treaters. In fact, we haven’t had any since about 2004. I still buy the candy though. And then I eat the candy. I should probably stop.
