Thursday 23 May 2024

Thursday May 23rd

This is how I normally start my mornings five days a week… Seeing Mr. D off to work at 2am.
Usually he goes in the car.. but on days where he has appointments and needs to beat the traffic jams home he goes on his bike. Today he had a pre-op appointment with his surgeon for his hernia operation. He hasnt been given a date.. but he has been told that his surgeon will be working virtually. I dont quite understand how its going to work.. but apparently the surgeon will be sitting at a computer screen while a machine does the job for him. This seems extremely scary to me... but MrD is quite blasé about it
This guy works so hard.. he spends 12 hours away from home then comes home and starts again. At least when he has his surgery he will have to rest
My hanging baskets are doing well...  They are so colourful...
and this year.. Im growing strawberries around the gazebo. 

We may not get many.. but hopefully enough for jam

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x

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