Friday 3 May 2024

Friday May 3rd

Prince had a checkup at the vets. He is doing incredibly well.. 
he is healthy and happy... 
and didnt flinch when he got a couple of vaccinations
He did so well.. a trip to the park was called for on the way home..
He loves it... but I always feel that Im being watched..
either from above...
or down below...
When we got home MrD continued with cleaning up the garden...
stacking the jack hammered concrete
Meanwhile in England...
Little Tufty wants to fill her big sisters shoes...
or should I say.. football boots
and as for my crazy grandson...

He walked into the living room... said "I'll be Back" and walked out again

He's nuts... just like his daddy...

and.. by the way..  has never seen "Terminator"

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x


  1. I'm catching up here. For some reason, my blog reader doesn't tell me when you put up a post, but will notify of several posts all at once. Just this evening, it notified me of this post and 3 before it. It doesn't do that for any other blogs!
    Anyway, I enjoyed your photos and kids and critters! Those kids are growing way too fast!

  2. Precious grandchildren! You must miss them so much. Prince sure is a handsome guy and well-behaved. I hope you had a pleasant Mothers Day and now on to another week. I hope it's a good one.
