Sunday 26 May 2024

Sunday May 26th

Happy Sunday
On the way home we drove by a new thrift shop with a rather large advertising sign....
Can you see what I see???
We spent the afternoon pottering in the garden...
Mr D mowing the lawns...
where his hard work is paying off
As for myself.. I take great pleasure in seeing how my Victory Garden is growing
and I am so excited to see bell peppers now appearing...
And a check on the potatoes show they are ready to be harvested
Meanwhile...Little Mr has been flexing his muscles ready for a birthday party...
where he met Elsa and was absolutely smitten...
and Little Miss and Little Tufty danced the afternoon away...
Until the littlest one decided to catch up on her reading..

What a pleasant Sunday for everyone

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x

1 comment:

  1. Weird. I read it as thrift at first! I wonder if it was intentional to get attention.
