Saturday 4 May 2024

Saturday May 4th

After a leisurely breakfast and a quick trip to the dog park.. we did some work in the back garden. First MrD mowed the lawn... just to keep it manageable as there is a lot of work to be done.
That done he started a new project. He has decided to run a water system to the Victory Garden, so that it can have its own tap and be on a separate sprinkler timer. He's full of these great ideas and Im grateful he loves "tinkering"
As for me... I just pottered
and enjoyed the flowers that are starting to bloom
I had a call from my daughter. Little Tufty is really suffering with her teething. She has eight...yes eight.. coming through at the same time. Its heartbreaking to see her in pain and her not understanding why... I feel helpless because there is not much I can do. Poor baby... hopefully she will feel better tomorrow

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x

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