Thursday 3 February 2022

Brush Strokes...

Well I’m tired. I just spent the last two days freshening up the house with a lick of paint… and realizing I’m not as young as I used to be.

Climbing up and down ladders.. and bending and stretching to reach all the little nooks and crannies used to be a breeze. Not anymore. I’ve used muscles I forgot I had and tonight they are reminding me that I’m almost 60. Thanks fellas!

It was a big job.. but it’s done now and I must admit it was worth it. Now I can take my time with the rest of the Spring Cleaning.. and prepare for the family’s arrival in 35 days.

Time for a cuppa and an early night methinks. Tomorrow it’s potato planting time

Sleep well everyone

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x


  1. OHHHHHH You have to show photos, Phoebe, smiles. Have a beautiful day, friend.

  2. wow have you been busy!! My husband is the painter here but I'm the one that tapes off the trimming so I do my part as well!

  3. Good for you! And hooray for 35 days!
