Saturday 19 February 2022

Looking Forward...

After cold couple of days.. the weather this weekend is quite hot again... Time to enjoy the sunshine before temps plummet again next week and more rain forecast. We really were lulled into into thinking spring had sprung. Maybe thats why today I have a few sniffles and cant stop sneezing

I have done all the planting I can do for now... both in the garden and in seed trays... so time to concentrate on my stitching again. Im looking forward to Easter so I have couple of fun hearts on the go. You know...I really do love pastel colours.

Oh and by the way... I said I wanted to lose 20lbs before the family arrive. Well three weeks today they will be here... and I reached my target this morning..

Tho Im still not sure if my bum will fit in the Disneyland rides! 

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x


  1. Congrats on reaching your weight loss goal! Such pretty hearts!! It is gorgeous today but we too will be cooling off next week. I'm glad the weekends are nice though weather wise! One of my coworkers who has allergies gives a daily pollen count here, lol, and the counts have been high so I guess everyone's allergies here are kicking up!


  2. I'm excited for you! Good job on losing that 20 pounds! I noticed my pants were a littletight around the waist yesterday! I need to watch my diet a little better!

  3. WOW congrats on reaching your weight loss goal, WOOOHOOO! Sounds like you are planning fun times with family! Those hearts are beautiful! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  4. Love, love your little hearts, they are precious :)

  5. Many years ago I was one of your followers, then somehow I lost you. Now I've found you and loved looking through your pretty hearts again.
