Saturday 19 February 2022

Looking Forward...

After cold couple of days.. the weather this weekend is quite hot again... Time to enjoy the sunshine before temps plummet again next week and more rain forecast. We really were lulled into into thinking spring had sprung. Maybe thats why today I have a few sniffles and cant stop sneezing

I have done all the planting I can do for now... both in the garden and in seed trays... so time to concentrate on my stitching again. Im looking forward to Easter so I have couple of fun hearts on the go. You know...I really do love pastel colours.

Oh and by the way... I said I wanted to lose 20lbs before the family arrive. Well three weeks today they will be here... and I reached my target this morning..

Tho Im still not sure if my bum will fit in the Disneyland rides! 

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x

Thursday 17 February 2022

New Growth ..and Green Tomato Chutney..

I’m happy to say that even though it’s still a bit nippy… yesterday blue skies returned. I love the rain...but right now Im loving my garden more 
Tuesday…as we say in the UK.. it absolutely chucked it down and it was so cold. Very different to the 87°weather we were getting last week
I’m so glad I resisted the temptation to do a lot of veg planting outside. I must say tho they’re doing very nicely in the seed trays. I have zucchini/courgette, peas, beans and radishes making an appearance. 
But I’ll give it a couple more weeks before I transplant as the colder weather is due to last a bit longer. It all looks good so far. But... I think it’s safe to plant some carrots.. right??

Gosh Im so impatient!

Green Tomato Chutney

Last Fall I made my yearly supply of good old fashioned Chutney... and recently I've been asked for the Im happy to ingredients are still readily available in supermarkets... even if they are not ready in the garden..

Its an old recipe...and Im not sure where it came from.. but back in Wales I used it for many years and it was the perfect way to use up all those unripened tomatoes, onions and gifted apples (one year I was given over 80lbs). Now I live in California.. so I swapped the tomatoes for tomatillos .. and you know what?? It’s really good!! 

So delicious with cold ham and cheese...a grilled cheese sandwich...and an English Ploughmans Lunch!

2lb (6 cups) Green Tomatoes, skinning is optional
2lbs (6 cups) onions, chopped
1lb (3 cups) apples, chopped
5oz (1 cup) raisins
3 Garlic cloves
1/4 tsp Cayenne pepper
1/4 tsp Black pepper
2 tsp Sea salt
1lb (2½ cups) Brown sugar
32fl oz (4¼ cups) Malt or Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Peel, core and chop the apples
  • Chop the tomatoes, onions, and raisins roughly and mince the garlic.
  • Place all ingredients into a stainless steel pan and bring to a boil. 
  • Reduce heat to low and then simmer uncovered for an hour. 
  • Keep an eye on it and stir occasionally.
  • The chutney will turn brown and will have reduced down within that hour's cooking time. 
  • Spoon the chutney into warm, sterilized jars and seal with lids.  
  • There is no need to water bath chutneys...but I do for 10 mins
  • Label the jars when cool and store in a dark cupboard. 
  • Refrigerate the jars once opened
When it's time to eat your chutney, make sure to open a sealed jar at least half an hour before you want to eat, otherwise all you taste is vinegar

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x

Tuesday 15 February 2022

Just a Simple Valentines Day..

  Good Morning from an overcast Blue House. I hope you had a lovely Valentines Day..
 Yes.. Yes I know. Some girls get flowers...some girls get chocolates... but this girl got exactly what she wanted... completed raised beds and potting compost so my planting can begin. 
MrD did offer to take me out to dinner... but I would rather go when its less busy... He also offered to take me for ice cream or milkshake... but with the weight loss going in the right direction (15lbs lost since New Year) we both agreed we should wait til the kids get here in 25 days to splurge.
So... we just enjoyed each others company...had a lovely grilled chicken and salad for dinner.... and our neighbour brought us (I think he said) Campechana.. a Mexican seafood cocktail with shrimp and crabmeat in a spicy tomato sauce. Very tasty..and my British tastebuds coped nicely
How did you celebrate.. did you go all out... or like me.. getting a bit long in the tooth... just let the the day go by without much fanfare

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x

Monday 14 February 2022

Whats For Dinner ~ Meal Plan Monday..

Happy Valentines DayWe dont really celebrate it... as every day feel like Valentines. Yes yes...mushy I know...but true.  MrD spoils me all year round... and Im very blessed.

This week Im going to do more work in the garden.. the 85° False Spring we had last week has changed and today its much cooler weather.. and tomorrow rain is forecast. I am continuing to plant seeds in trays indoors.. although I have been tempted to plant out some peas and beans as they are supposed to be cold tolerent. Fingers crossed.

I will try and get as nuch done out there this week as the weekend will be a wise. MrD is going to help rewire a friends gazeebo... so will be taking ride out there for the day...and his wife is making us tasty fish tacos for dinner. What a treat. No complaints there..all work no play makes Jack a dull boy.....

Have a great week x

Weekly Plan - 14th February 2022

Monday               Grilled Chicken, Potato Salad and Garden Salad

Tuesday               Chicken Tacos, Spanish Rice

Wednesday          Asian Steak, Onions and Peppers, Vegetable Fried rice

Thursday             Bacon, Broccoli and Mushroom Alfredo Pasta

Friday                  Pizza Night

Saturday              Dinner Out... Fish Tacos

Sunday                 Grilled Cheese with Gouda, Roasted Mushrooms and Onions 

Saturday 12 February 2022

Two Hearts...

Thinking pink this week...
and two more items for the store....

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x

Friday 11 February 2022

Making The Bed....

 Ok... so Im greedy! But I just wanted antother!!
The original plan was to have two raised beds... but after a bit of measuring... we found we have enough room for one more... if we can navigate around an old rose that produces beautiful red blooms
This bed will be in full sun... ideal for cucumbers..tomatoes and its a must. So I dug over the area and laid down a tarp with MrD's help.. held down because its very windy... just to hopefully stop any weeds til we are ready to build.. possibly this weekend.
I cant wait to start plantingin them...which wont be long. I got so excited this morning  to see my first snow pea breaking the soil in its starter pot

Happy Dance!!

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x

Thursday 10 February 2022

Cuttings... and Cilantro Lime Chicken Kebabs

So I have a little experiment Im trying out....propogation from leaves. Back in Wales I used to propogate from cuttings but never from just a leaf. I have a geranium that apparently is really tolerant to the climate conditions here... and they are supposed to be great mosquito having them dotted around the garden should be a help this year. 

So after watching a couple of Youtube videos.. I nipped off a couple of leaves.. dipped the ends in organic rooting powder and placed around the edges of compost in trays for strength. All being well they should root. Fingers crossed I dont kill them.

Cilantro Lime Chicken Kebabs

So a change of plan for dinner tonight. I defrosted too much chicken yesterday (not sure what I was thinking!) Plus Mr D requested this.. so instead of pasta we are having one of our faves Chicken Kebabs. Plus... the weather is almost summery right now.. with temps forcast to be mid 80s again today so chicken and salad sounds good.

½ cup fresh lime juice
2 teaspoons kosher salt
½ teaspoon fine pepper
1 teaspoon crushed red pepper
2 teaspoons garlic, minced
½ cup cilantro, chopped
½ cup olive oil
4 (6-ounce) boneless, skinless chicken breasts
Choice of vegetables cut into onion, bell pepper, mushrooms, tomatoes
  • Cut the chicken into bite sized chunks
  • Place in zipper-seal bag.
  • Mix marinade ingredients and pour over chicken.
  • Marinate at least 2 hours or overnight.
  • Soak wooden skewers in water to prevent them burning
  • Remove chicken from bag.
  • Thread chicken on the skewers, alternating with the vegetables
  • Pre heat the oven to 400 degrees.
  • Spray a non stick pan with cooking spray and place skewers ½ inch apart on pan.
  • Bake for 20-30 minutes, turning halfway,  until cooked through.

Tuesday 8 February 2022

Garden Work...

 I spent most of yesterday working in the garden
Warm and sunny.. it felt like a British Summer day
With the raised beds done I could concentrate on a bit of planting..
and working on some other areas in the garden..
Like cutting back ivy and getting rid of dead wood.
The aloe vera needs a bit of work its spreading..

and soon it will have lovely flowers
I built up quite an appetite so I was so ready for dinner..
 a healthy Chicken Chow Mein... no oil... whole grain noodles...

but I cant wait til I use veggies from my own garden..

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x

Monday 7 February 2022

Whats For Dinner ~ Meal Plan Monday

Good Morning from the Blue House.

Well.. we worked hard.. and completed two raised beds... that are now ready for planting.
This is going to be a huge learning curve as the temperatures here are vastly different to Wales. Its hotter..drier and very little rain. And that wind! I got myself a little sunburnt over the weekend..and its only I really have to protect the plants! I hope I can successfully grow at least one veggie this year! We shall see. There's still a lot of work to be done out there...and  thats what Im gong to be focusing on this week..

And Im looking forward to it.

Weekly Plan - 6th February 2022

Monday               Chicken Chow Mein

Tuesday               Crispy Prawn Tacos and Spanish Rice

Wednesday          Lemon Pepper Chicken, Baked Potato, Salad

Thursday             Smoked Sausage Pasta

Friday                  Pizza Night

Saturday              Mesquite Grilled Chicken Sandwiches

Sunday                 Chili Mac and Cheese

Saturday 5 February 2022

Heart Sales....

Stitching Saturday...

and I have had quite a few sales this week in my online store... 
including these three that are on their way to Arizona...
The problem is I have been so busy... I havent completed any this week to replace them.
Hopefully, the heavy work in the garden will be done this week...
 and I can finish a couple of items by next weekend..
What did I say about managing my time better?? 
Well that hasnt panned out..

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x

Friday 4 February 2022

Making a Start...

So this is what we are going to work on this weekend...
The plot where my raised bed vegetable garden is going to be..
Its going to take a lot of work...but with MrD's help...
Two old birds should get it done..
and talking of old birds... 
we had a pretty blue little visitor watching the proceedings...
or maybe just on the look out for worms

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x