Tuesday 3 July 2018

Yoga!... A Guest Review by Little Miss

So...Mummy has me doing this thing called yoga. I swear.. when she first mentioned going for yoga.. I'm sure she said yogurt..so I was all for it. Let me tell you ... it was nothing like yogurt!!!

I had to make a good impression cos Auntie V was there too. Just a quiet word to my new cousin.. I would stay in that tummy if I was you.. she will have you doing this too!!
Anyway...they had us doing all this bending and stretching... including lots of Tummy Time. Seriously Mummy... its not that long since breakfast!!
They had us playing games... but I dont think they quite understand the rules of Hide and Seek... You are not really supposed to see us...
But it dosnt really matter... cos I would much rather eat the props anyway. By the way...whens lunch?
And Mummy isnt getting away with anything either.. If I have to do it...she has to do it! Good idea covering your self with a sicky cloth tho Mom!
 Its kinda fun being with all my friends... although I think we are all as bewildered as each other... 
But its always a pleasure meeting up with my best buddy Master S. He's a real fun guy...
But honestly...the things we have do to make our Mummys happy.! I guess we have to humour them...
 All in all..yoga is pretty fun and I will come again. Plus it will help me keep my girlish figure...
But.. in the mean time.... just pass me the bottle...

 Until the next time...

Love and Cuddles

Little Miss xx

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