Tuesday 2 May 2023

Wonderful Wet Weather...

So yesterday... we had unexpected, glorious rain. 
It lasted all day.. and the garden has exploded!
 The veggies are thriving and the flowers have burst into colour. 
We even have  our first strawberries ready to eat.
Its always amazing what a good downpour will do for a garden.. 
its just not the same as watering with a hose.
Oh...and now we now have a bird cam. MrD installed it on Sunday... and we can see there are now five eggs.. Mummy Bird has been sitting on them almost none stop. According to google within two weeks we should have baby birds! 
Mummy Bird has been sitting on them almost none stop. According to google within two weeks we should have baby birds! 

I will keep you posted!

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you all are getting rain. We're in our 4th year of drought here and our county is the driest in the state (Missouri). We got a little bit of rain last night, but, if we don't get some real good soaking rains we're going to be in big trouble. Some of my local farmer friends have already had to start selling off their cattle due to lack of water. It's a shame.

    Love the little bird with the nest and eggs. What kind is it?

    ~ Rebecca
