Wednesday 8 February 2023


Last picking of our home grown Brussels Sprouts for tonights dinner...

Its only taken MrD 57 years to realize he actually likes them

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x


  1. I chuckled when I read that it took your husband 57 years to realize he liked brussel sprouts. My husband and I professed to hate them but then our soon to be son in law made dinner for us and brussel sprouts were the vegetable he made. He baked them in the oven with olive oil and garlic and onion powder. I had only had them boiled and I felt bad about not even trying them... so long story short I tried them, I loved them and after a while I convinced hubby to try them and he liked them too! We decided it was the way that they were cooked that we didn't care for, not the sprouts themselves!

  2. That's amazing!! I like them too - but I haven't always!

  3. Yum! I like them cooked in butter and garlic. smiles
