Saturday 4 February 2023


Last year was the first time we had a vegetabe garden in the new house. It was a learning curve as we recorded the sun positions and battled with drought, temperatures of up to 111 degress and an attack of locusts. But we still had a good crop of tomatoes, peppers, potatoes etc... but not as much as I thought. And some plants didnt thrive at all.
So today we started the plot from scratch with the idea of moving the beds slighty before preparing the soil. We discovered what may have been the cause of the stunted growth..
Scores of tiny roots were under the soil ..possibly from the trees and ivy aroung the garden and strangling the veggie roots.
So we sifted and saved the good soil. and the whole area is going to be rotavated. If I could put some sort of lining down it would help... but some veggies need to be planted deep
If anyone has any advice..I would love to hear it

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x

1 comment:

  1. It's a lot of work. My advice is to start early in the day.
