Just a quick catchup with our "Littles" across the pond...
Little Tufty is growing so fast... and shes becoming so independent. Here she is carrying her diaper supply to nursery. Its crazy to think that we will have Thanksgiving.. then the Christmas season and before we know it we will be celebrating her second birthday. Where has the time gone??Little Miss loves school...but she was struggling with maths...and wasnt enjoying the lessons at all. So I told her what my dad said to me when I was just a little older than her.
He said. "You love puzzles right? You love games right? You dont like things beating you right? Maths is just lots of puzzles and games... that you can beat... try it.. and it will be fun!" So I did... and I was in the top three in my class. It looks like Little Miss loved puzzles too..
Thank you Dad!
And for Little Mr... hes just rocking his outfit for "Children in Need" on Friday... when the UK raises money for childrens charities around the country. Little Mr is the double of the telethons mascot... Pudsy Bear..Love and Hugs
Phoebe x
Aww - so cute! And they do grow up so fast!