Friday 6 January 2023

It's Over...

Well... The Holidays are over...the decorations are down and everywhere is looking a little sad and bare. I clung to the season as long as I could, but its now Epiphany ..12th Night...Jan the decorations just had to come down. Its a tradition my mother adhered to...which I followed and my children seem to have forgotten. Theirs came down last week
Food wise there were very few Christmas leftovers.. I estimated well this time. MrD loved his Baileys Poke Coke and had the final slice last night... and he polished off the homemade truffles at work. Its time to start healthy eating again as we both put on a couple of pounds
Still there's only another 329 days til the decorations go up again and the season starts again...cant wait!

And talking of days...only 62 days til we fly to England. And with my daughters baby shower on Sunday and mere weeks til we welcome our new grandaughter. 

Its all so exciting!

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x

1 comment:

  1. How exciting for you - a new baby. My daughter is expecting in July. I anxiously await decorating again for the holidays as well.
