Its Tuesday. Lets go and meet the other ladies over at Everyday Ruralty, for the weekly Chat on the Farmhouse Porch
Are you looking forward to fall?
Definately, because I will be celebrating my first US Thanksgiving. Ive heard so much about it, now I get to experience it first hand
What are the three best colors for you to wear, and the three worst?
The best are pale blue, pale pink, and black. The worst are orange, green and yellow..which, Im afraid, makes me look like a big banana
What is your favorite kind of juice? If you are not into juice, you
can tell us your favorite flavor of soda, tea, coffee, Tang, mud, etc.
Pineapple is my favourite, with or without coconut. Makes me think its a Pina Colada
Have you ever been in the hospital (at least an overnight)? You
don't need to share the ailment, but tell us what the longest time is.
Apart from having my children, the only overnight stay in hospital was when I had my gallstones out. Other than that...Ive been very lucky
Do jingles, songs from ads, and TV or movie themes stick in your
head? Do you find yourself singing them?
Always. Its because the tunes are so catchy. The only times it annoys me is when they use bits of an old song....and I cant think of the singer or the song
Love and Hugs
Phoebe x