Saturday 23 March 2024

Opening Up to Changes

I've been doing some thinking. I've had this blog for over 10 years...and I feel its become stale and repetitive. To me it has become boring to write and its sometimes tedious to find things to write about. Its hard to write something interesting for people to read when nothing is happening. I have tried to keep the format the same as when I started all those years ago.. but I must be honest I have been losing interest. I have been writing posts and not publishing them. My personal handwritten  journal is getting more attention

I talked it over with MrD and told him I was thinking of unpublishing. He stopped what he was doing.. looked me in the eye and asked me one question...

"Why are you sanitizing what you write?"

I didnt understand.

He continued " I thought your blog was about you.. about your life.. about your memories...about your feelings...  about what you love or hate. Why do you worry you will upset people or they will mock what you love? Why do you stress about it and worry that you havent got anything interesting to say? Why are you trying to write what you "think" people "want" to read? 

If you think your page is stale and repetitive.. change it. In the last ten years you have! Write it like your journal... write it for you... share whats in your heart.. and talk about silly things. Dont force it. Let your thoughts flow...and record your new memories.  People will either love it or hate it... but at least you will be happier"

I thought about it... and in some ways...he may be right so... Im going to give it a try. It may work or it may not.. we shall see. 

So no more set days for certain topics... after 10 years it has become restrictive and stifling. It worked well for me in the beginning but now I will write what I want when I want. I will write about my family.. my garden.. my home.. plus my thoughts and opinions. Things I love... things I hate. There will be lots of vintage pics... and music.. especially the 1940s. Some days I wont write anything...other days I might write two...or more. So actually really not much difference.. so I hope you wont mind...

On Monday I start my new diary...

and Im looking forward to it

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x


  1. I have been wondering what you have been up too, smiles. Have a beautiful day friend.

  2. I always enjoy reading your blog, you are encouraging and pleasant ...and your dog is so handsome...he is bigger and darker than my Jake..but we love our doggies ..please continue .
