Tuesday 12 April 2022

Cold and Windy...

 Happy Tuesday from the Blue House
After last weeks heatwave.. the last couple have been chilly...very windy...and we even had rain...which wasnt on any weather reports. What was forecast tho was a sand storm...but luckily that stayed in the distance... although the sky became very dark over the mountains. Perfect for a cosy breakfast of homemade marmalade on toast... and a huge mug of coffee.
After my walk (which I did in record time cos I was a bit chilled) I did a quick check of the sunflowers that Ive grown from seed (first time ever) and planted against the neighbours fence.  Although the sun has come out...they are being buffeted by this strong wind... but they are doing ok. It strengthens them Ive been told. 
And Im so pleased the bottle brush tree is starting to flower.. although...
I'm not too sure about the mushrooms that have appeared in the veggie bed over night. 

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x


  1. Windy and cool here too today. What a pretty bottlebush bloom. Haven't seen one in awhile.


  2. Hi Phoebe, yes we have had a lot of wind this whole year. I did not like the heat and luckily it did not last long. I would like to try planting sunflowers this year. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Please send some of that coolness to Florida, grin. I hope you have a beautiful day, Phoebe.
