Wednesday 1 September 2021

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month..

September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness month.. and I am giving you the heads up.. that over the next few weeks..I will be pushing this subject and I make no apologies.

Ovarian cancer is known as the deadliest gynecologic cancer in the US, as it is not usually detected or diagnosed until it has reached advanced stages. I myself was lucky as I was at stage three when my tumor was detected. My doctor had been treating me for something else... and it wasnt until I began to bleed and experienced excruciating pain.. did he send me for tests. It wasnt his fault as the the symptoms of Ovarian Cancer mimic other illness's

Remember... a pap smear does not detect Ovarian Cancer. I urge you to look for its symptoms...
Vaginal bleeding or discharge
Pelvic pain or pressure.
Stomach or back pain.
Feeling full very quickly after eating.
Needing to urinate more or less frequently or experiencing constipation.

Listen to your body and push your doctor. 
It may just save your life...

Phoebe x

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