Saturday 11 September 2021

Never Forget...

They say you will always remember what you were doing when you hear shocking news. For me..thats true. I still vividly recall where I was.. what I was doing and how I felt when I heard about the Aberfan Disaster (even though I was very young).. Elvis had died.. John Lennon had been shot.. Princess Diana had been killed.. but nothing affected me more than when the planes hit the twin towers

I was living in Wales and I had just got back from the garden centre with my then mother in law and was prepring to walk up to the school to collect my young children. Something told me to switch on the tv and it was just after the first plane had hit. It was on every channel...but I tuned into Sky News and I stood watching in disbelief as the horror unfolded... and saw the second plane hit!

Standing at the school gates with the other mums... the fear in some of their faces was evident... especially in those whose husbands were in the armed services.If an attack like this could happen in America... it could happen anywhere.

I got home to see the towers fall...

That day... my view of the world changed. Like many others.. it became a little less safe and I became a little less niave

Some may have forgotten what happened that fateful day... come up with ludicous conspiracy theories or even play down the reasons why

but I will never forget

Phoebe x

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