Saturday 1 June 2024

Saturday June 1st

A couple of months ago I had a message from my old auntie back in Wales telling me that mum and dad’s grave stone was sinking quite badly. She also said that my grandparents upright stone was listing to the side. 

Being so far away I was concerned but she said they had a stone mason coming to see what he could do. I asked her to get a price for any repair work needed to get my parents stone right
This morning she sent a picture of the stone on top of a new slab that will stop anymore sinkage.

This has reinforced in me that when I pass away I don’t want a permanent marker. I don’t want to be a burden to my children.. As with mum and dad.. both me and my brother have moved away from our small village as have all my children.. and the only family left is an elderly aunt and uncle.. When they pass there will be no one left to care for our family plots.. and they will fall into neglect and disrepair

When I go.. I have told them.. get the pastor to say a few words.. cremate me .. then MrD can strap me to the back of his bike and we can travel the country. When he goes.. just make sure our ashes are scattered together 

The only stipulation I have .. is that I lake in state for six weeks to make sure I’m truly gone… 

Hubby says if I stop talking for five minutes he will know I’m gone…..


 Love and Hugs
Phoebe x

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